Page 226 - Auction Team Breker | Auction 24+25 May 2018
P. 226

795: 9 Tisch- oder Handmikrophone € 120,-
1) Electro-Voice Slimair Modell 636, USA, dynamisch. – 2) Revox D19 B200, mit Ständer, um 1957. – 3) Tele- funken TD 300, Reportermikrophon. – 4) Geloso M68, Italien. – 5) Sennheiser MD 407 HN. – 6) Shure, Modell 710A. – 7) Frühes Tischmikrophon, mit 3 Federn gela- gert. – 8) Beyer. – Und: 9) Unbezeichnet.
9 Table or Hand Microphones
1) Electro-Voice Slimair model 636, USA, dynamic. – 2) Revox D19 B200, with stand, c. 1957. – 3) Telefunken TD 300, reporter microphone. – 4) Geloso M68, Italy. – 5) Sennheiser MD 407 HN. – 6) Shure, model 710A. – 7) Early table microphone, spring-hinged. – 8) Beyer. – And: 9) Unmarked.
– (3+/–) – € 250/350 – (837/26)
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796: Sammlung Mikrophone € 240,-
1) Turner Dynamic W33D, USA, um 1950. – 2) Trix Modell 3741, London, um 1953. – 3) Grampian DP1, England, um 1950. – 4) Tannoy, Kugelmikrophon, England, um 1955. – 5) Gamma, Blues-Mikrophon, um 1950. – 6) Melodynamic 75A, Paris, um 1948. – Und: 7) 10 weitere Mikrophone und Teile. – Nicht alles ab- gebildet.
Group of Microphones
1) Turner Dynamic W33D, USA, c. 1950. – 2) Trix model 3741, London, c. 1953. – 3) Grampian DP1, England, c. 1950. – 4) Tannoy ball-type microphone, England, c. 1955. – 5) Gamma cardioid blues micro- phone, c. 1950. – 6) Melodynamic 75A, Paris, c. 1948. – And: 7) 10 more microphones and parts. – Not all pic- tured.
– (3/–) – € 400/600 – (837/24)
797: 6 Mikrophone und 10 Ständer, 1950er–1960er Jahre € 240,-
1) Brenette, Brüssel, Super Crystal Modell A179. – 2) Philips EL 6021. – 3) Piezo Electrico, Geloso, Milano, Nr. 1100. – 4) Peiker Kristall, Typ PM 16, Made in Germany. – 5) USA, Hersteller und Typ unbekannt. – 6) Unidyne Dynamic Microphone Modell 55S, USA. – Und: 7) 10 verschiedene Mikrophonständer.
6 Microphones and 10 Stands, 1950s–1960s
1) Brenette, Brussels, Super Crystal model A179. – 2) Philips EL 6021. – 3) Piezo Electrico, Geloso, Milano, no. 1100. – 4) Peiker Kristall, type PM 16, made in Germany. – 5) USA, maker and type unknown. – 6) Unidyne Dynamic Microphone model 55S, USA. – And: 7) 10 various microphone stands.
– (3+/–) – € 400/600 – (837/28)

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