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© 2019 by Auction Team Breker, Koeln/ Germany |

“Girl on the Telephone” Musical Automaton by Renou, c. 1900 |
"Contemporary Musical Automaton Portrait “Putin Ecrivain” by Christian
Bailly |
"Automaton Portrait of President Kennedy by Christian Bailly
"Lifesized Leopard Automaton by J.A.F., circa 1930
"Automaton Chef by Gustave Vichy, c. 1890 |
"»Oscar«, a rare PB28 Steiff Rod-Jointed Teddy Bear, c. 1903 – 04 |
"Twin-Cylinder Live English Steam Locomotive 3 ½-inch Gauge
"Kellermann No. 357 Military Motorcycle with Pillion, c. 1935
"Kellermann No. 353 Motorcycle with Pillion, c. 1948
"Bing »Imperator« Ocean Liner No. 155 / 392, c. 1918
"Fleischmann Tourist Steamer Nr. 526, c. 1936
"Märklin CER 65 / 13021 Gauge I Steam Locomotive, c. 1930
"Märklin ME 70 / 12920 Gauge 0 French Steam Locomotive, 1935– 40 |
"Automaton Banjo Player by Vichy, c. 1900
"Regina Style 33 Automatic Disc-Changing Musical Box, c. 1900 |
"Rock-Ola Tempo I Jukebox, 1959 |
"Sidereal Time Marine Chronometer by Lange & Söhne, Glashütte, 1923
"Vintage Steam Fairground Model |
Singing Bird Box by A. Leschot, c. 1870 |
Swiss Station-type Musical Theatre, c. 1890 |
Orchestral Cylinder Musical Box for the Chinese Market, c. 1890 |
Early »Graphic« Index Typewriter, Berlin, c. 1895 |
Symphonion Musical Hall Clock, c. 1899 |
Nuremberg Culpeper-type Compound Monocular Microscope, c. 1820 |
Nuremberg Compound Monocular Microscope, c. 1820 |
»Writing Ball« by Rasmus Malling-Hansen, 1867, No. 103 |
Schmid’s Patent Water Engine, 1873 Albert Schmid, Zürich
Western Television »Visionette«, No, 148, Western Television Corp., Chicago,
1929 |
Marconi Type 31C Crystal Receiver, c. 1910 |
Rare Arabian Astrolabe, late 18th century |
Polyphon No, 2 Automatic Disc- Changing Musical Box, c. 1900 |
Rare Five-Revolution Grand Format Variations Musical Box by Nicole Frères,
c. 1862 |
Rare French Breguet-Pattern Singing Bird Automaton Cigarette Case, c. 1955 |
Silver and Enamel Singing Bird Box Automaton, probably Flajoulot, Paris,
c. 1930 |
Isotow GTD-350 Helicopter Engine, 1963 – 1990 |
17th Century Brass Nocturnal Replica |
Diptych Sundial by Lienhart Milner, 1619 |
of a collection of detailed miniature ship models |
Sublime Harmony Piccolo Interchangeable Musical Box by Junod«, 1895 |
»Rocket Wind Tunnel Test Model«, c. 1980 |
»Automaton Book-Playing Organ
by Franz Oehrlin«, c. 1983 |
»Fine Silver-Gilt and Enamel Singing Bird Box Automaton by Charles Bruguier«, c. 1840 |
»Musical Chalet with
Organ and Dancing Dolls«, c. 1895 |