Extraordinarily important sale of rare collector’s items
and exhibition pieces!
Fri 11 October 4 – 7 pm
Sat 12
October 8 – 10 am
Reception/Buffet: Fri 11 October 5-7 pm
- More viewing opportunities available upon request -
Fully illustrated bi-lingual (Engl./German)
Europe: Single catalogue € 28,- *
Overseas price for USA, Japan, etc.
(incl. airmail delivery): € 37,- (approx. US-$ 52.-).
Delivery against prepayment only
(Bank draft/cash or by Credit Card with expiry date and CVV security
Mastercard / Visa / AmEx)
© 2013 by Auction Team Breker, Koeln/ Germany |
»Rolleiflex 2,8
GX Edition "
1929–1989"«, 1989 |
8 x 9 cm
E. Français«,
c. 1886 |
»Telagon 3,5/300 mm with Gunstock« |
»Nikkor S.C 1,5/8,5 cm
for Nikon S«,
c. 1951/52 |
»Contaflex TLR with 2 Lenses«,
c. 1936 |
CZJ »Spiegelobjektiv 5,6/1000 mm« |
»Contarex I Outfit« (Like New!) |
»Leica 0-Serie (Replica)« |
Leica »Camera Still Picture
KE-7A« |
»Leica M5 Outfit«, 1973 |
»Leica M6 Titanium«, 1995 |
»Summilux-M 1,4/35,
Titanium«, 1992 |
Observance Camera MK80
Ross/Hasselblad«, 1943 |
»Panon Wide Angle
c. 1952 |
»Panorama G617 Professional« |
»Chor-Identar«, 1947 |
»Thornton-Pickard MK.III.H
Gun Camera«,
c. 1916 |
»Hasselblad 503 CX Golden Blue«, 1991 |
»Meade LX200 EMC Telescope« |

Projection Microscope with Liquid
Condenser by »Duboscq«,
c. 1870
»Traveling Photographic Laboratory«,
c. 1910–20 |

Chambre Stéréo »Le Bi« 6,5 x 9 cm,
c. 1880–90
Stereoskop Camera 9 x 18 cm by
Grundmann, Leipzig, with Original Bill
»1. März 1897« |

Stereoscope »Le Taxiphote"«,
c. 1910
Stereo Cards by Underwood »China«,
c. 1901 |
»Minox LX Sterling«, 1992 |
»Jumelle Louvre Outfit«, c. 1900 |
»Gaumont Reporter, Tropical Model«,
c. 1924 |
c. 1845–50 |

Jamin Lens: »Objectif Double à Cône Centralisateur«,
c. 1858
»Ross Naturalist Camera«, 1899 |
»The Xit« with Spy Case, c. 1900 |
Early »Le Physio-Pocket«, 1904 |
»Sliding-Box Studio Camera«
by Alphonse Ninet, c. 1855 |
»Ben Akiba Cane Handle Camera«
by A. Lehmann, 1903 |
»Velocigraphe 9 x 12 cm«,
c. 1892 |
»Rectaflex Rotor«, 1952 |
»Sliding-Box Camera with Derogy Lens«,
c. 1858–60 |
Lollier«, 1903 |
»Ermanox« (1:2,0) 4,5 x 6 cm, 1924 |
German »Universal-
c. 1905 |
Dr. Krügener's Book Camera
c. 1890 |
»Royal Mail Photo Stamp Camera«, 1907 |
All-Metal Camera »Photosphère
(9 x 12 cm)«
with Original Magazine, 1888 |
All-Metal Camera
(8 x 9 cm!), 1888 |
»Compass II«, 1938 |
Rarity: »Summa Report«, 1955 |
»Chambre à Tiroir Artisanale«,
c. 1845–50 |
German »Kromoskop«
3-Color Stereo Viewer, c. 1896 |
»Multiple Camera«, c. 1860 |
»F.A.T.A. Tropical Reflex«,
c. 1900 |

with Rare Reflex Housing,
c. 1930 |
(9 x 12 cm), 1899 |
Rarity: »Le Mélanochromoscope«
Camera), 1899 (!)

Daguerreotype »Methodist«
by Louis-Auguste Bisson, c. 1841 |
»Pannotype«, 1853–60 |
A Giant Rarity: Binocular Viewer
»The Grimatsiscope«,
c. 1870 |
»Lampadaphore« by Lapierre, Paris, c. 1880 |
»Arriflex Universal Studio 16 Equipment«,
c. 1965 |
»Arriflex 16 St Equipment«,
c. 1965 |
»Askania Z« 35mm Movie Camera
and Equipment,
c. 1940 |
»Early German Cast-Iron Art-Nouveau
Style Mutoscope«, c. 1900 |

Movie Jukebox
»Mills Panoram«, 1941 |
»Le Cinématographe Jouet«, c. 1900 |

»Mutoscope: The
Selector«, c. 1931 |
»Pat & Patachon« Movie Poster,
c. 1934 |
»Ernemann I« Movie Projector,
c. 1914 |
»Noctilux 1,2/50 mm«, 1973 |
»Leitz Noctilux 1/50«, 1978 |

»Wet-Plate Stereo
c. 1855 |

»Wet-Plate Stereo Field
c. 1858 |