Extraordinarily important sale of rare collector’s items
and exhibition pieces!
23 September
2 – 7 pm
8 – 10 am
Reception/Buffet: Fri 23
September 5-7 pm
- More viewing opportunities available upon request -
Fully illustrated bi-lingual (Engl./German)
Europe: Single catalogue € 28,- *
Overseas price for USA, Japan, etc.
(incl. airmail delivery): € 37,- (approx. US-$ 52.-).
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© 2016 by Auction Team Breker, Koeln/ Germany |
Leica M6 »Foto Magazin 50 Jahre
1949-1999« Single Piece! |
Rolleiflex 2,8 GX »Jersey«, c. 1999 |
»Stereo Nude Daguerreotype«, c. 1845 |
»Leica Oberfl.-Messgerät«, 1946 |
»Stirn's Concealed Vest Camera No. 1«, 1886 |
TLR«, 1935 |
»Bopp« (Gebr.
Bopp Berlin), c. 1938 |
Hypergon 1:22 f=6cm«, c. 1927 |
»Dr. Hesekiel's Original
Spiegel-Reflex-Camera«, c. 1894 |
»Wet-Plate Sliding
Box Camera by Ross«, 1858 |
»Ernemann Miniatur-Ernoflex 4,5x6« 1924 |
»Ducati Sogno with Lator 2,8/60mm«, 1950 |
»Very Rare Stereo Ernoflex«, c. 1925 |
»Stereo Speich«, 1953 |
Detectiv-Stereoskop«, c. 1897 |
Automatique« Coin-Operated Stereo Viewer, c. 1895 |
»Replica of Barnack's Stereo-Leica« |
»Leitz Stemar 3,3cm« |
»Le Spinx« by
Guilleminot & Cie, 1891 |

»Custom-built: Stereo-Leica CL Set«, c. 1980 |
»Academy Camera (ED. Liesegang!)«,
c. 1883 |

»Stirn's Concealed Vest Camera No. 1«,
1886 |
»Ernemann Stereo Simplex-Ernoflex

»Climax« Laterna
Magica with Clockwork Drive by Ernst Plank, 1885 |
»The Kinora«, c.
1910 |
Askania-Universal Movie Camera«,
c. 1920
»Nippon II«,
For. Oc-ciro, 1946 |
»Leica 250 GG
Reporter«, 1937 |
with Dial-Set Compur Shutter«, c. 1931 |
»Ring Camera
GF84 by Gianpalo Ferro«, 1998 |
No.1«, 1939 |
»Zunow 1,1/5cm for Leica M39«, 1952 |
Voigländer »Portrait-Objectiv Ia 1:2.3
No.5 F=30cm« in Aluminium Mount, 1900 |
»Stereo Daguerreotype by T. Schneider
und Söhne«, c. 1855 |
Achromatic Doublet«, around 1856 |
»Jamin/Darlot Objectif double à cone
centralisateur, No. 6634«, around 1860 |
»Liquid Lens by Watson & Sons«,
c. 1880 |
Portrait Lens »A. Gaudin Rue de la
Perle 7«, au Marais, ca. 1848
»Leicaflex SL2 "50 Jahre"«, 1975 |
4/50mm for Contarex«,
1963 |
Stéréo by Mackenstein«,
c. 1894 |
Leicavit M "Leica Historica 1975-2005"«
»German Stereo Field Camera 9x18cm«, c. 1897 |
»Atelier-Schnellarbeiter 1:3 No. 6 F=400mm by Hugo Meyer«, c. 1903
»Alta« 1957 |
»Photoscopic«, c. 1924 |
»Giant Leica
Dummy« |
Septac Anastigmat 1,5/2in. (M39)« |