Highlights of
past Specialty Auction |
& Film« |
20 May 2006
Extraordinarily important sale of rare collector’s items
and exhibition pieces!
May 4 – 7 pm *
20 May
8 – 10 am
- More viewing hours available upon request -
illustrated bi-lingual (Engl./German) Colour
Single catalogue € 28,- * Annual Subscription for: Photographica (4
catalogues) € 95,-
Science & Technology (2 catalogues) € 50,-.
Overseas prices for USA, Japan, etc. (incl. airmail delivery):
Annual subscription for
Photographica spring and autumn sales (4
catalogues) € 130,- (approx. US-$ 156.-)
Science & Technology € 65,-
(approx. US-$ 78.-) Single catalogue € 37,- (approx. US-$ 45.-).
Delivery against prepayment only (Bank draft/cash or
by Credit Card with expiry date and CVV security code:
Mastercard / Visa / AmEx)
© 2006
by Auction Team Breker, Koeln/ Germany |
»Konica Hexar Gold«
»Leica I, Mod. B (Rim Compur)«,
c. 1930
»35 mm Vorkländer Motion Picture Camera«,
c. 1940
»Bi-unial Magic Lantern«, c. 1890
»Photoret Watch Camera, 1894«
»Gemflex«, 1949
»Rolleiflex 2,8 GX Edition«
»Elmarit-M 2,8/21«
Stereo Field Camera »H. Mackenstein, Paris«,
c. 1890
»American Stereo Field Camera«
Folding Stereo Camera »The Club« 1892
Field Camera Outfit »Ruby«, 1899
»Contaflex TLR«
»Studio Camera«
Wet Plate Bellows Camera »Meacher«,
c. 1860
Stereoviewer »Educa«
Stereoviewer »Planox«
»Detective Magazine Box Camera
(6 x 9 cm)«,
c. 1890
All-Metal Camera »Photosphere
(9 x 12)«, 1888 |
»Rare Reflex Camera by
Schaap & Co., Amsterdam«,
c. 1890
Italian 3-Color-Camera »Sunshine«, 1947
»Kodak Ektra« with 3 Lenses
»Coronet Midget (Blue)«
»Steineck ABC Wristwatch Camera« |
»Tessina Automatic 35 mm«
Subminiature Camera »Kalos«, 1950
»Darling 16«, 1957
Camera Collection »Agfa«
»Expo Police Camera«
»Vicam Antik«, 1993
»Rapide« by A. Darlot
»Le Cent Vues«,
c. 1926
»Kretzschmar Kinematograph«,
c. 1902
»Leica M2 (Chrom)«
»Alpa 11 si - Swiss Army«
»Alpa Alnea
Mod. 6«, 1957
Prototype Lens by Zeiss for Contax |
Dr. Krügener's »Bicycle Camera«, c. 1898
Prototype »Super Ikonta 4,5 x 6 cm« |
Original German »Peep Show«,
c. 1820 |
Extraordinary Stereo Wet Plate Sliding Box Camera by »Dubroni,
Paris«, c. 1860
Prototype »Autophot Camera«
French Wet-Plate Stereo Camera, c. 1860
»Nikon F Photomic«, 1962
»Nikon F2 Photomic«, 1971 |
French Daguerreotype Outfit, c. 1842
Multiple Lens Camera, c. 1870
Patented French Tropical Camera »France & Etranger«,
Sensationally Early French Twin-Lens Sliding Box Camera,
c. 1865
Prototype of a German Spy Camera, c. 1949
Prototype of a German Spy Camera, c. 1949
Prototype of a German Spy Camera, c. 1949
Extraordinary Photohistorical Fragment of a
Carte-de-Visite Daguerreotype »Young Lady«,
c. 1845
Voigtländer »Alpin Rapid«,
c. 1925 |
Brass Lens by »Voigtländer«,
c. 1875
Luxury »Mikroma« and »Tone« Subminiature Cameras
»Leica III f with Summicron and Leicavit«, 1953
»Bronica S2 Outfit«, 1965
Magazine Box Camera »Universal Pattern B«, 1905
»Guinea Xit«
»Aluminum Xit«
Tailboard Camera by »Husbands, Bristol«,
c. 1890
2 Cameras »Coronet Midget« |
3 Different Versions of »Merlin« Subminiature Cameras
Lot Subminiature Cameras
Original Replica of the World's First Rollfilm
Camera »The Kodak 1888« |
»Kodak Bantam Special«, 1936
»Megoflex Viewfinder
No. 459«
Wet Plate Camera »Carte-de-Visite«, c. 1854
2 Simple Box Cameras, 1910
»Mamiya C 33 Professional Outfit«, 1965
Brass Microscope »Leitz«, c. 1900
Brass »Petzval Lens by Voigtländer & Sohn, Vienna«
Brass Lens »Jamin/Darlot«, 1860ies
Brass Lens »D. Paysage« by Darlot, c. 1860
»Daguerreotype Lens by Lerebours & Secretan«
Brass Lens »Lerebours et Secretan á Paris«
Brass Lens »Hermagis Apl. No. 1 Foyer
85 cm,
Serie II«
Brass Lens »Darlot«
(445 mm)
Brass Lens »Jamin«
(No. 2668) |
Early Brass Lens »Jamin-Darlot, Paris«,
c. 1860
French Landscape Lens with Front Diaphragm
American »Reflex Camera Obscura«, c. 1830
3D Counter Top Viewer
»Exhibit Supply«,
c. 1930 |
»Clamshell« Mutoscope,
c. 1900
Kino CII by Ernemann«,
c. 1916
500 C« with Planar 2,8/80 Lens,
c. 1958
»Leica M6 with
2 Lenses«, 1990 |
Camera Lucida by »Charles Chevalier«,
c. 1850
Brass Lens »Jamin«
No. 5067, 1860ies
Reflex Finder
«De Mornay Budd«
»Sutton's Patent Panoramic
Water Lens«, 1859
Aluminum Multi Lens Camera,
c. 1890
Early Brass Lens, 1850ies |
Brass Lens »Bergheim
Soft Focus No. 2«, 1896
Camera Obscura Tent by »Chevalier«,
c. 1825
Original Mutoscope Reel No. 7771
("Tarzan & Jane") |
Original Mutoscope Reel No. 7219 |
Original Mutoscope Reel No. 7234