»Bi-Unial Magic Lantern« |

Prototype of the Early German
Cast-Iron »Art-Nouveau-
Style« Mutoscope, c. 1900 |

»Tropical HEAG X«, 1913 |

»French Carte-de-Visite Camera«,
c. 1865 |

Wooden Strut Folding Camera »Magda«, c.
1890 |

The Very First »Leica-Hand-
Kamera«, 1907 |

Klappcamera Krickeldorff« |

»Negretti & Zambra's« Single

Prototype of a Subminiature Camera »Kodak« |

»Graflex KE-4 (1) Combat Camera« |

»Leica Compur«, 1929 |

»Rectaflex Rotor Outfit«, 1952 |

»Canon P 25th Anniversary«, 1962 |

»Kobliska Tropical«, c. 1925 |

»Casca No. 0044« |

»Stereo Sliding Box Camera«,
c. 1855 |

»Petitux IV« |

»Gemflex«, 1949 |

»Petie Lighter«, 1956 |

»Petie Vanity«, 1956

»Demonstration Model Minox A« |

»Riga Minox - Made in USSR«, 1940 |

Magic Lantern »Jean Schoenner, Nuremberg«,
c. 1880 |

»Korelle K« with Leitz Elmar (!!), 1933 |

»XYZ Subminiature Camera«, 1935 |

»The Presto Camera«

»Sliding Box Daguerreotype Camera«, 1842 |

Krügener »Jumelle«, 1895

»Anthony« with Multiplying Camera Back,
c. 1885

»French Double Sliding Box Camera«, c. 1870 |

German Wet Plate Camera »Böhmke & Co.,
Braunschweig« |

»Stereo Lenses«, c. 1880

Stereo and Panorama Camera »Poulenc Frères«, c. 1880 |

Stereocamera Prototype »Minnigraph«,
c. 1935 |

»Bergheil Nova«

»Goldmann's Detective Camera« |

Special Camera »Kontophot«,
c. 1931 |

Magazine Box Camera »Neumann«

Studio and Field Camera »Bentzin«

»Luckyflex«, 1948

Spy Camera »Argus«, 1909

Small »Fieldcamera Goldmann«,
c. 1895 |

»Photo Quint«, 1911 |

»Spy Camera for Lady Agents« |

»Le Troncynémato No. 2«, c. 1910 |

»English Giant Press Camera with Tele Lens«,
1912 |

Cut Model
»Ultron 2/50« |

»Symbolflex« |

»Pilott Ref«, 1947 |

»Barbieri« |

Russian Sub-Miniature-
»KGB C-252«, 1980 |

Cut Model »Leica III«, 1938

Very Early Jumelle Camera »Hermagis«,
c. 1885 |

»Pocket Watch with Daguerreotype Camera« |

Magazine Camera »Okam«, c. 1926 |

Prototype »Contessa 35 electronic«,
c. 1968 |

»Hologon Ultrawide« |

»L'Indéréglable« - The Reliable Camera |

Wooden Miniature-Camera »Newmans
& Adams Patent« |

Reflex Camera »Alfred Werner«, c. 1914 |

»Tropical Wood Camera with Linhof Shutter«,
1902 |

»Carl Zeiss« Experimental Lens, 1938 |

»Tele-Megor 5,5/25 cm with
Viewfinder«, 1934 |

Leica Standard with Fisheye Lens »VL2/1967
Ultragon 140º« |

Daguerreotype Lens »Lerebours«,
c. 1850 |

Voigtländer Lens »Orthoskop«,
c. 1860 |

»Nikkor Q 3,5/5cm - Leica Screw Mount«,
1947 |

Lady's Camera »Pochette-
Chasseur« 1904 |

»Ring Camera
GF 82«, 1982 |

»Leica 250 GG Reporter«, 1936 |

Magic Lantern »Lampascope Boule«, by Lapierre Frères,
c. 1870 |

»C. Kellner's Nachf.: Fr. Belthle in Wetzlar« |

Design Microscope »Paul Funke & Co.,
c. 1920 |

»Binoca Picture Binocular (Blue)«, 1950 |

»Gami 16«, 1955 |

»Duca« (Blue) |

Large Sun Microscope »Charles Chevalier«,
c. 1850 |

»Voigtländer Lens No. 10.000«, 1862

»Color-flex« |

»Voigtländer Metallkamera (Replica)« |

Interesting Leica Forerunner »Argus«, 1921 |

»Agfa Luxury Version«, 1930 |

Giant Shutter by »Voigtländer«,
c. 1900 |

Gun Camera »Fotosniper
FS-2« (Black), 1937 |

»Binocular Microscope Dollond«, London,
c. 1865 |

»Kinematograph« by Ernst Plank, Nuremberg,
c. 1900

6 Original Photographic Plates by Carlo Ponti for »Megalethoscope«
Viewer, 1862 |

»Dubroni No. 1«,
c. 1865

»Chambre Microscopique de Bertsch«,
c. 1860 |

5-Reels Mutoscope »Selector« |