c. 1850 |

English »Balloon Theodolite«,
c. 1930 |

Brass Theodolite« |

»Vose & Sons«,
c. 1920

»Guitar Jukebox« |

Cylinder »Jost's Fan«
Type 3

Patent Radio Fan«

Gramophone »Klingsor«,
c. 1920 |


Doll on a Stick »Marotte«,
c. 1920 |

Doll on a Stick »Marotte«,
c. 1900 |

Wimshurst's Electrostatic Machine« |

French Counter
Game »Le Passe-Partout«,
c. 1910 |

Deco Slot Machine »Mills Extraordinary Vender«, 1935 |

Slot Machine
»Mills War Eagle«, 1931 |

German Chocolate
Vending Machine by »Eugen Riemer«, c. 1920 |

Ell's Gold Chaufer« |

Disc Musical Box »Symphonion Rococo« |

Clock »Big Ben« |

Wooden Figure on Barrel »Gambrinus« |

»Savoyard« Limewood Figure |

c. 1840 |

English »Theodolite«,
c. 1800 |

c. 1900 |

French »Graphometer«,
c. 1760 |

Phonolamp »Capitol Mod. EA«, 1919 |

Patent Perpetual Fountain«, 1871 |

»Polyphon No. 41R«, c. 1895 |

»Musical Box« |

Gramophone »The Monarch«,
c. 1915 |

Phonograph »Edison Fireside Mod. A« |

Gramophone »Berliner Bijou«, 1902 |

Phonograph »Edison Triumph Model A«, 1901 |

Phonograph »Edison Fireside Mod. A«, 1909 |

»Edison Home Phonograph Model A« |

»Edison Home Phonograph Model A«, 1905 |

Phonograph »Edison Opera«,
c. 1911 |

Phonograph »Edison Idelia, Model D 2«, 1907 |

Hand-Driven Gramophone »Berliner
Model D« |

»Symphonion No. 256« |

Interchangeable Musical Box
by »Mermod Frères«, c. 1890 |

Orchestrion Case »Symphonion« |

»Classical Lectern and/or Auctioneers Podium«,
c. 1900 |

Small German Brass Theodolite by »Wichmann«, c.
1920 |

Early Brass Microscope »Carl Zeiss, Jena« |

»Advertising Stationary Dispenser« |

»Albion Press« by Harrild & Sons, London,
c. 1845 |

»Bush Television Receiver Type TV 22«, 1950 |

Air Compressor »Michelin: Bibendum« |

Ship-Chronometer »Longines« |

Frisian Wall Clock »Mermaid«,
19th Century |

»Gear Wheel Cutting Machine«, c. 1900 |

The Legendary »Ford Mod. T Touring«, 1923 |

Coin-Operated Music Box »Mermod Frères«, c.
1890 |

»French Pendulum Clock on Musical Base«,
c. 1880 |

Sewing Machine »Willcox & Gibbs«, c. 1883 |

»Columbia Graphophone Mod. AA«, 1901 |

American Coin-Operated »Love Tester«, 1941 |

»Spectacular Secret Bugging Fitting«, c. 1880 |

Liquid Gas Iron »Baropyr Patent«, c. 1914 |

»Winter-Type Electrical Machine«, c. 1900 |

Celestial Globe by »Rohrbach«, 1895 |

Phonograph »AEG Ton Sb 1« 1944 |

Grandfather Clock »Polyphon Style 63« |

Spectacular Large Floor »Perpetual Fountain«,
c. 1875 |

Loudspeaker Blaupunkt »Plastic Salon Concert«,
1927 |

»Dolly Dressmaker«, 1957 |

»American Barber Shop Chair«, 1891 |

»Equatorial Dial by W. & S. Jones«, c. 1800 |

Electric Fan »Thomas A. Edison«, c. 1898 |

Absolutely Unique Original U.S. Patent Model »Aparatus
for Extinguishing Fires«, 1878 |

Extremely Rare »Double Levelling Instrument/
c. 1780 |

»Case With German Drawing Instruments«,
c. 1900 |

Microscope »G. & S. Merz, Munich«, 1858 |

Vienna Portal Clock With Automaton »Gamblers«,
1880 |