sale of rare collector’s items
and exhibition pieces in top museum quality!
Fri 15
May 4
– 7 pm *
16 May
8 – 10 am
Reception/Buffet: Fri 15 May 5-7 pm
- More viewing opportunities available upon request -
Fully illustrated bi-lingual (Engl./German) Colour
Europe: Single catalogue € 28,- *
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(incl. airmail delivery): € 37,- (approx. US-$ 50.-).
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© 2009
by Auction Team Breker, Koeln/ Germany |

Old Copy of Early French
Sewing Machine of 1840 |

Old Reproduction of the Very
1st Sewing Machine of 1790 |

Brass Slug Iron with
mid 19th Century |

Combination Iron
c. 1900 |

Early Bi-Polar Electric Fan by
»Thomas A. Edison«,
c. 1898 |

Rally Clock
»Jaeger-Le Coultre«, c. 1940 |

Elegant Suitcase with Travel
c. 1920 |

Russian Two-Day
Marine Chronometer,
c. 1960 |

Builder's Half-Block Model
»Dorcas 1863« |

»Breitling Navitimer
Cosmonaute 1809«, c. 1970 |

Taube«, 1909 |

»Henschel Hs. 126
B-1«, c. 1873 |

Demonstration Model (Copy) of the
»18th-Century Brass Armillary Sphere« |

Approx. 280 Microscopic
Preparations, from 1880 |

30 Folders with Microscopic
c. 1900 |

Brass Microscope
»M. Baader«, Munich, c. 1852 |

Horizontal Microscope
»Charles Chevalier«,
c. 1840 |

German Wilhelminian Style
Longcase Clock, c. 1890 |

The Charles Lindbergh Collection |

Shoe X-Ray Fluoroscopie Equipment
c. 1925 |

Store Display
Lamps, c. 1920 |

American Ice Cream
Parlor Table,
c. 1890 |

Coin-Op Automaton
»Electric Sailor«, c. 1910 |

Large Fairground Electro-Shock Machine
»Le Clown Volta«, c. 1910 |

English Double Silver Cased
Verge Watch,
c. 1800 |

Golden Gent's Pocket Watch
with Striking Mechanism,
c. 1890 |

Coin-Operated Piano-Orchestrion
»Cremona« |

Coin-Operated Pianola
Orchestrion by »Automatic Musical Co.,
Binghamton, NY«, c. 1920 |

Blackforest Flute Clock, c. 1840 |

Cylinder Phonograph
Twentieth Century (Model BC)«, 1905 |

»Bing Crosby's Junior
Juke«, 1947 |

»Disc Graphophone –
Columbia Model AJ«, 1926 |

»Bubble« Music Box
»Wurlitzer Automatic Model 1015«, 1946 |

Interchangeable Cylinder
Musical Box »Paillard«, 1924 |

Coil-Spring »Polyphon«
Musical Box, 1902 |

Disc Musical Box
»Regina Style 50«, c. 1900 |

Disc Musical Box
No. 54«
(Mikado), c. 1890 |

Disc Musical Box
No. 105 U«,
c. 1900 |

Disc Musical Box
No. 54«,
c. 1900 |

Disc Musical Box
No. 105 U«,
c. 1900 |

Automatic Disc-Changing Music Box
»Regina Style 33« with 12 Discs! |

No. 25 GS:
»Gambrinus« |

American Hand
Fluting Machine, c. 1880 |

»Heinkel He.
115« |

Impressive Model of
»Messerschmitt: Me 163« |

»Focke-Wulf Fw. 56: Stösser
Code D-1AQA |

Code D-10-901 |

Fokker E 111 »Monoplane«
Code E 111/210/15 |

Musical Box »Polyphon
No. 43B«, c. 1905 |

Brass Microscope
»Engelbert u. Hensoldt,
Wetzlar«, pre 1870 (pre-Leitz!) |

German Longcase Clock, c. 1880 |