»Twenty-Key Barrel Organ by Thibouville Lamy with Automaton by Alexandre Théroude«, c. 1870
With six-air barrel operating five cams, brass starwheel and pinned wheel on wood shaft that cause the monkey violinist to look from side to side, nod, blink and chatter while playing the violin and tapping his left foot in time to the music. In paper-edged silk tailcoat, ivory satin waistcoat, lace jabot, cuffs and periwig, a tricorn hat, music stand and violin case at his feet, in glazed salon with gilt mirrors and original paper decoration, on rosewood veneered base with inlaid dancer motif, height 34 ½ in. (75 cm), barrel 13 in. (33 cm),
numbered 14 on paper label and original tune-sheet, monkey restored and nicely redressed. With
restorer's stamp of the late Michel Bertrand, at that time based at 10 rue Victor-Hugo, 92 Malakoff in Paris.
Estimate: € 4,000/6,000
US$ 5,500/8,200
Reserve: € 2,200/US$ 3,010
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